What Our Clients Say
[Cross Law Firm] is a “great firm which has protected so many small people against the large institutions or their corporate legal teams with deep pockets and deep-rooted influences in the legal and political system which makes most individuals give up and be abused.”
Satisfied client, 2023
Nola came recommended by a trusted friend who is an attorney. He said “I have seen her in action and I would not want to be sitting across the table from her”. My friend was absolutely right. Nola and Mary Flanner worked together as an outstanding team to resolve my case quickly and efficiently to my satisfaction. They listened to my issue and were very patient and took care to address all my concerns. They also counseled me on the process and negotiated on my behalf to set things right. I know that without their help, I would have been in a much worse situation. I already recommended their services to a friend who has also been very satisfied with their representation. In addition, I plan on recommending them to other friends, who I know, will be going through the same job restructuring in the near future.
VP of R & D, 2018
To Whom it may concern:
When I came to Cross Law I was attempting to deal with a situation that I never thought I would find myself. I was shocked and confused with very little knowledge of handling the mess I was in correctly. I had recently parted ways with my business partner and the company handed me a separation agreement that was less in my favor than I would have liked. I turned to the Employment lay services of Attorney Mary Flanner. She took the time to sit with and explain the gravity of the situation to and the general layout of tackling the situation. This allowed for a great reprieve of stress and worry from these negotiations and allowed me to get out and look for a new job in a confident manner. Throughout the whole process of amending the agreement and dealing with the company’s attorney, everything was handled with the upmost care and professionalism. Without this caring and attentive approach, I do not believe I would have found better results anywhere else.
I would like to thank everyone at Cross Law and my Attorney Mary Flanner for making sure my best interests were looked after in what I could imagine was the best way possible and helping me land on my feet.
Thank you,
Satisfied client, 2018
I am writing this to all the courageous people out there who are scared to come forward because they are either afraid of losing their job or too afraid to tell the truth about what corporate America really does to their employees. So I am now known as a “whistleblower.” At first, I hated the fact this how I would be classified. Five years later … I am proud to say what I did was courageous and the right thing to do. Even my own wife was scared and told me not to go against the big corporate machine in pharmaceutical sales.
I once had a doctor ask me if my family knew what I did for a living. I was like, why? He said I was a legalized drug dealer. At that time, it was early in my career and my company had me so brainwashed with their ideas on how to sell to our physicians, that I didn’t even realize what I was really doing to get that doctor to prescribe my drug. I was basically “paying” them to write my specific drugs. I felt disgusted with myself. I finally had enough gumption to change my course in life and get back to being an honest person, so I decided to let my company know what is going on behind the scenes or out in the field by calling HR and reporting some of the issues going on … and it completely backfired.
The goal was to get me to quit. I was a great employee, did my job the way I was trained to and they had no reason to fire me. The only reason they wanted me gone was the fact that I was now a whistleblower and I broke their “unwritten code.” I then was being so tortured at work that I decided to seek legal help in the form of Attorney Nola Hitchcock Cross. I was still employed and I highly recommend if you are going to fight the battle against a large corporation, stay employed for as long as you can, so you can collect as much information on them as possible. The goal for them is to get you to quit or figure out a way to fire you.
Don’t let them win! Seek help … Attorney Cross and her staff were so supportive and showed me the light to beat them.
Attorney Cross explained to me how HR is not on your side as an employee and with her help, knowledge and experience, we created a timeline. I put things down on paper how my company treated me after I came forward to tell them one of their managers was doing the wrong thing. It was clearly evident they were not on my side for doing the right thing. I suffered from anxiety and depression for the last three years of my career at this company. I finally said enough and I tried to do the right thing and I was crucified for it.
There were so many ups and downs to my case over five years, but Attorney Cross and her firm kept working skillfully and diligently to keep the case together despite the lack of government intervention. They have a “do whatever it takes” attitude and in the end we came out on top with a $38 million recovery!
I will always appreciate what “Aunt Nola” did for my family and me. She never let me quit and her firm never quit working for me. She always knew I was doing was the right thing and knew in the end it would pay off for all of us.
I highly recommend Nola Cross for anyone out there working for an organization that is doing something wrong or illegal. Come Forward! Attorney Cross has the knowledge about business and the attitude to make it possible for you to beat these big companies.
When you have that feeling of being trapped or scared to do the right thing because your company intimidates you, or scares you to the point where you think you will get fired, call Cross Law Firm! Do the right thing … Stand up for what is right! Tell your story.
Kurt Kroening, Relator in the Forest Pharmaceuticals case, 2017
Attorney Katherine M. Holiday — I am so thankful that you helped me through a crucial time in my life. I feel honored because you were so dedicated to my case and provided me with comprehensive and sincere advice. From the first time we spoke I felt at ease because you took the time to listen and then provided a wealth of insight and knowledge regarding what could be done and how we would proceed. Again, thank you. I am forever grateful.
Satisfied client, 2016
Nola, I just wanted to thank you for all that you did for me. Without you it would have never happened you gave me a second chance at life after the mess that [the employer] left me in. Thank you so much and if I ever run into someone that has a situation like that I will definitely send them your way. You are an amazing woman and I thank you for your services.
Satisfied qui tam client, 2015
I worked with Cross Law firm on a difficult and lengthy age discrimination settlement. Throughout the eight months, Nola Hitchcock Cross provided me with invaluable information and advice on how best to navigate this challenging situation. Nola was persistent, responsive and insightful. She successfully negotiated the financial component and ensured the settlement included provisions to support reemployment. Nola has deep knowledge of employment law and I recommend her firm to those faced with an age discrimination termination.
Satisfied client, 2015
Over the past 13 years I have contacted Attorney Nola Hitchcock Cross several times to represent me due to discrimination I experienced in the workplace. Nola and her team of attorneys are dedicated, truthful, and they work extremely hard to ensure a positive outcome. Nola reached an out of court settlement agreement and negotiated very nice severance agreements.
I am a media professional and I can tell you, if you work in media behind the scenes or on-air at the first sign of trouble get help, meaning call Nola Hitchcock Cross. You don’t have to suffer in silence because there are laws to protect you. Cross Law Firm knows the law and how to apply the law. You don’t have to sit by helplessly and allow yourself to be fired, furthermore Cross Law Firm will empower you while they fight for you. The outcome can happen swiftly and will most likely be in your favor if you retain Cross Law Firm as soon as possible. Here’s an example: I received a call one day saying my supervisor wanted to speak with me the following day. I didn’t know if they were going to terminate me or re-assign me. Right after I hung up, I called Nola immediately and she told me exactly what to do. My employer was caught completely off guard and Nola was able to not only extend my employment, but negotiate an attractive severance agreement when I left.
Lastly, I cannot stress enough, document EVERYTHING! Keep a daily diary, any documents disbursed to you regarding your employment or duties, company communications such as newsletters, etc., save all of your emails (no matter how benign) and retain and study the Employee Handbook.
I truly cannot thank Nola Hitchcock Cross, her team of lawyers, and administrative assistants enough for their competence, professionalism, and humanity.
Satisfied client, 2015
Hiring Attorney Katherine Holiday was an overall great experience in a very difficult period in my career after I was terminated for being a union steward & filing complaints at the NLRB about work. She listened to my goals and worked extremely quickly to resolve them!
Satisfied client, 2015
“I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, and later with PDD-NOS, an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Because of the negative impact this had on my work performance, I was pressured by my employer to resign. I was also threatened with being fired after revealing my PDD-NOS diagnoses to my employer. Attorney Katherine Holiday of Cross Law Firm did an excellent job of negotiating with my employer, allowing me to leave in a more dignified manner.”
Satisfied client, 2015
Cross Law Firm, S.C. was very helpful. Once I explained my case, they worked very fast and efficiently to get me justice. My case was settled in just 2 months time. I highly recommend Cross Law Firm, S.C. for your Employment and Business Law needs.
Charles, restaurant employee 2014
I came in contact with Cross Law firm in regards to an employer refusing to pay last pay check. After dealing with the Labor board that kept stating that they were 2 years behind in cases, I decided to contact the law firm. I was dealing with Katherine Gaumond regarding the matter. She resolved the issue quickly. What I like the most is that they are not afraid to come in the computer age and do most everything that they can electronically. In my opinion, that is the fastest way to get information to another party. So the case was settled and I know at least one party was has happy.
Thanks again for everything and will be contacting you again in the nearest future. Have given your name to several people already. Highly recommend the Firm.
Dawn 2014
Called Cross Law Firm late on a Friday afternoon with an emergency. We got an immediate interview with their paralegal and then an immediate call from Attorney Katherine Gaumond who then already had the background information. Her willingness to listen and troubleshoot the problem while respecting our position was instrumental in helping us reach a satisfactory solution.
We really appreciate the service, the knowledge, and the attention to the emergency needs of clients and potential clients. I’m glad I’ve been referring people to your firm for years. (And yes, some of them have consulted with you.) I will most definitely continue to do so.
Signed, Very Satisfied 2014
I contacted Attorney Nola Cross summer 2008. My employment had been terminated after I wrote to the Board of Directors a letter with my concerns about the company’s involvement in wrong doing. Nola met with me, immediately the next day after our initial phone conversation on the holiday weekend Saturday morning. I was impressed!
From the very beginning to the successful resolution, Nola and her staff were working hard to resolve the case. Attorney Cross guided me through the whole litigation process, asking questions, collecting information, interviewing people, and putting evidence together. I would never come to this kind resolution with a company without their diligent work.
I would never hesitate to contact her law firm again and strongly recommend them to anyone who needs a legal advice, representation or finds himself/herself in a similar situation.
The only regret I have that I was waiting for almost two years and contacted Nola only after my termination. I wish I did not wait. If I have ever to give advice to a person in need, I would say: document everything and call Nola Cross law firm right away!
I would like to thank attorney Nola Cross and her staff for doing wonderful job in resolving my case.
Director, February 2013
Nola J. Hitchcock Cross’ vast experience, has made her support invaluable in our decisions over the years.
Maria Louisa Hitchcock de Medina, Small Business Owner, 2014
Cross Law Firm helped me through a difficult situation with a former employer. Katherine Gaumond walked me through the process and made it easy. She answered all of my questions, no matter how trivial (even on the weekend!). The commitment and attention she gave to me helped resolve the situation in a timely and cost-effective manner. Her warmth and professionalism made me confident in her ability to achieve the best possible outcome because she took the time to understand my point of view. I would highly encourage and recommend her legal service to anyone in need.
Beth, 2014
I wanted to take a moment to express how very grateful I am to you for your belief in and support of me during this very difficult process. I am so appreciative to have found you/your firm as my legal representative in this matter. Thank you Janice Pintar for your patience, understanding, and ability to allow me to express my anxieties and concerns and fears throughout this entire process, while still being able to retain a shred of dignity without any embarrassment for sharing too much.
I would recommend anybody your firm. Your fees are very reasonable, you were always available to me and, we were able to settle positively after a long ,difficult process.
Thank you.
Discrimination client, 2013
I am very grateful to Janice M. Pintar for her professionalism while representing me in a discrimination lawsuit. When I initially came to Cross Law Firm, S.C. for representation, I was very scared because I wasn’t sure how I could handle this alone if they did not take my case. Janice was Tough, Proactive, and Thorough and she and Attorney Katherine Gaumond made me feel like I was in the right hands. Discrimination of any kind is never ok. With the help of Janice and Katherine, we were able to settle this case with a great deal of satisfaction. I am very happy that I decided to enlist Cross Law Firm, S.C. to represent me in this lawsuit. I hope that others that are going through a similar situation decide to contact Cross Law Firm, I did ….and I made the right decision.
Thank you Janice and Katherine…thank you Cross Law Firm, S.C.
Very Grateful Former Client 2013
Shortly after I opposed sexual harassment of a secretary by the Vice President of the Company, he dismissed me under false pretenses. I filed a Fair Employment Law and Complaint Process with the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Center, I won this initial step and realized that in order to continue, I was going to need legal representation. This is when I contacted Cross Law Firm. After two years of dealing with my former employer in court, Cross Law Firm was able to favorably settle my case. The attorneys’ expertise and knowledge was the crucial motivation that kept me going. They were ready for the current and future steps of the case, at the time. I strongly recommend these attorneys for anyone who may be in need of their employment rights to be protected.
Supervisor- shipping and transportation industry 2013
Have you ever raised legal/discrimination issues about yourself or others and then found yourself the victim of retaliation? The retaliation can creep up on you slowly at first and then become unbearable. Most people are afraid of termination and say nothing and do not contact a law firm. They generally call a law firm AFTER they are fired.
I was the victim of retaliation for reporting a workplace discrimination issue. Before you quit your job or take action due to wrongful termination, perceived performance issues, or a hostile work environment, PLEASE contact Nola Cross first. Nola will let you know immediately if she can help you and what you need to do to protect yourself and your job. If you quit or take action before talking to her, it may be too late, you can’t undo what is done.
It is critical to keep documentation or a log of the specific events. Keep tract of your past performance; bonuses, raises, stock options, rewards, and any other supporting documentation.
This process will take months, your first goal is always to keep your employment no matter how difficult the situation is. A steady revenue stream is very important during these difficult times.
It is difficult to prove wrongful termination or discrimination, but if you continue to work and file a claim and your employer retaliates or changes your job, then you have a more solid case. Again, this takes time and patience.
Nola and her staff helped me through a similar situation. I could not have gotten through these times without her guidance and help. I highly recommend her services.
Senior Technology Manager
2013 Cross Law Firm, S.C. Client
I contacted Cross Law Firm in September 2011 and in a few short months, my former employer and I were able to come to a reasonable compromise. Attorney Chad Winters’ knowledge of the law and attention to detail made me feel confident that I put my case into the right hands. Mr. Winters answered my questions thoroughly and presented his explanation in language that is understandable, Mr. Winters is a valuable asset to Cross Law Firm and I recommend anyone seeking legal advice to contact Cross Law Firm.
Theresa M. Krueger, former Cross Law Firm client
Attorney Chad Winters was very professional in handling my case. He was also compassionate in listening to my questions and thorough in answering them. He was very knowledgeable regarding the laws and regulations that affected my case. I would highly recommend Chad Winters as an attorney to others.
Shauna Kostick, 2011 Cross Law Firm client
I consulted with Nola on a business matter which I thought should be addressed with my previous employer as a wrongful discharge. I did not realize the full implications of what had happened to me. After thoroughly reviewing my information, Nola advised me that my dismissal was directly connected with my efforts to get the company to discontinue fraudulent Medicare billing.
What would have been a very small five or six figure settlement at best turned out to be a 2.3 million dollar reward for me and a 13 million dollar settlement for the Federal Government.
I cannot thank Nola and her team enough for all the work they did on this case. At times I was discouraged, but they were understanding of my frustration, always treated me in a kind and sensitive manner, arranged meetings around my work schedule and persisted to win a victory for the Federal Government, the taxpayers and myself.
If you are looking for the very best in legal representation do not hesitate to call Nola Cross at Cross Law Firm.
JoAnn Russell
Qui Tam client
Dear Attorney Cross,
I received my copy of the letter your office sent to my employer. There are no words to express my feelings of gratitude. That letter definitely makes our position known without any doubt. I feel so fortunate that you agreed to represent me in this matter.
Thank You,
IT Executive, Milwaukee
To Attorney Nola Hitchcock Cross:
I owe you a great debt of appreciation of all of the effort you have extended on my behalf. I will look back on my association with you and your staff as a great turning point in my career. If there is ever anything that I may do for you or you’re Firm please do not hesitate to call upon me. I will drop whatever I am doing to respond to any reasonable request you may make to me.
Susan Appleget, 2008
Nola met with me for the initial consultation, and we discussed the merits of the case in detail. I appreciate Cross Law Firm’s practice which specializes in representing wronged employees, since so many law firms represent employers with deep pockets, and it is difficult to know who to trust when your life is turned upside down. As a Senior Executive with an impeccable record and history of promotions, I was summarily dismissed when I attempted to do what was right along ethical and legal lines. Nola was thorough in gathering relevant details in the case and framing the pertinent legal issues. It was refreshing to have a confidante that understood what I was going through, we worked well together, and as a result of our combined efforts in fighting for what is right, we reached a successful result in mediation without the need to move to trial.
Out-of-state client January 2009
Attorney Cross,
I can’t tell you how satisfied I am with your law firm. After trying to enlist the services of two other law firms who would not return my calls, I was thrilled when I got an actual person on the phone the first time I called your office. Then to get a call from you just an hour later knowing that my situation was time-sensitive showed how quickly you made me a priority.
Pursuing a sexual discrimination case was not easy but you made the process as smooth as possible. I never imagined getting a sizeable settlement without having to go to court or having to expose the case to the world.
Thank you for your time, attention and tenacity with my difficult case.
Department Store Buyer, June 2009
Dear Attorney Hitchcock Cross,
After 23 years of teaching in Wisconsin, I found myself faced with a situation I could have never predicted. The school district I was employed by, for whatever reasons, no longer needed my services, but had no reasons to terminate my employment. After three quarters of a school year, many sleepless nights and little support from the teachers union I found Cross Law Firm. I researched many law firms specializing in Labor law and Employee’s Rights and was able to narrow my search down to the Cross Law Firm.
I met with Attorney Nola Hitchcock Cross to see if I had a case. I presented my information and Nola explained my options clearly to me and in understandable terms. I retained Attorney Hitchcock Cross that day. When I left the Cross legal building that day, I had a sense of relief that money cannot buy. My time was well spent and I felt a sense of hope for the first time in many months. I also felt like there was someone out there who understood what I was going through and that what was happening to me was just not ethical. I wasn’t alone.
During this time the union and school district threw up many road blocks and made communication towards reaching an agreement difficult. This did not discourage Attorney Hitchcock Cross whatsoever.
Nola conducted some difficult conversations in order to reach an agreement with my best interest in mind. She negotiated and pointed out necessary changes to terminology in a written agreement on my behalf. During this entire ordeal with the school district, I knew Attorney Hitchcock Cross had my back.
By working with Attorney Hitchcock Cross during this difficult, life changing experience, I had the peace of mind and the support I needed for a clear vision of my future.
Thank you,
Wisconsin Special Education Teacher
July 2009
Attorney Cross:
I do not know how to thank you enough on helping me maintain my employment with my present employer. You helped my employer understand my condition of depression and getting accommodations at my place of employment. Both of you were very understanding and supportive through my struggles at work and at home, when nobody else would. I do not know where I would be if it was not for Cross Law Firms help and expertise after being terminated by my employer.
I can proudly state that I maintaining at work and on the road of recovery for my condition. It is nice to know that there are real people out in world that really care for you and your rights as a person and employee. I would recommend Cross Law Firms to anyone.
Thank you once again, because it is nice to smile again.
Maintenance Manager 2010
My experience with Cross Law Firm was very satisfactory. I was in a dispute with a company that had many Hispanic employees and Cross Law Firm always had someone available that spoke Spanish to communicate with some of the witnesses.
Because of the distance of where I lived from their offices, everything was handled over the phone and through the mail. Cross Law Firm made everything very easy to understand and helped me settle my claim out of court. I recommend their services to anyone who has a dispute with an employer
Alisha 2010 Wausau
My family & I are very grateful for all the assistance we received on my sexual harassment case. Your knowledge of the law & persistence to get me the best settlement went above and beyond anything we could have expected. Not only did you encourage me to stay strong, you also made me feel important & relevant. Your words always made me feel like I had made the right decision. I will highly recommend you & Cross Law Firm to anyone that needs employment legal counsel.
Thank you,
Julie – settlement 2010