Personalized Representation For Professionals And Executives
Executives occupy unique positions within businesses and therefore need attention to their unique legal needs. A lawyer representing a CEO, human resources director or CFO needs specific knowledge and experience in executive benefits and contract law. Whether an executive’s objective is to stay with the company or to separate, it is often crucial that the legal work be handled in a less litigious manner to enable their career to stay on track. Of course, if litigation is necessary, attorneys at our professional and executive employment law firm, Cross Law Firm, S.C., have the experience to effectively litigate commission agreements, special pay practices and noncompete agreements on your behalf. If you are considering an executive benefits contract or involved in employment litigation, you are invited to contact our Milwaukee employment law offices and arrange to speak with an attorney.
Our executive benefits lawyers represent executives of companies going through mergers and acquisitions, negotiating key employee contracts and handling noncompete agreements. Benefits such as restricted stock, commissions, deferred compensation agreements and other special business relationships are often included in executive employment compensation packages. Executive clients of Cross Law Firm, S.C., appreciate the roadmap of options we work to present in a manner that takes into consideration each executive’s precise personal goals and individual situation.
Professional Licensure, Insurance, Contracts And Partnerships
When doctors, nurses, securities and real estate brokers, lawyers and even judges need legal advice, our attorneys often get the call. We practice before many professional licensing boards, such as for nurses and physicians. Our objective is to prevent licensure issues where possible, and we often work for professionals departing from employment to reduce or eliminate potential damages to the professional’s license. When licensing boards do call, professionals often turn to our Wisconsin employment law firm, Cross Law Firm, S.C., to resolve the matter.
Professionals may also need assistance from attorneys with unique legal issues involving their professional insurance as they transition from one position to another. CLF works with current, former and future employers, as well as insurance companies, to resolve coverage issues, including whether the employer is responsible for payment of the premium.
Professional employment contracts often include noncompete covenants and confidentiality agreements. Our lawyers have the background in employment law and experience in negotiations to protect our clients’ interests. Professionals also may need assistance to create a partnership or business in their profession. The careful professional will call an attorney before signing any contract or agreement and before making final decisions about partnership or LLC formation. Unfortunately, we know that busy professionals often do not take the time to pick up the phone and have their contract reviewed for them or to get their business agreements committed to writing, resulting in both economic and professional legal issues.
At Cross Law Firm, S.C., our employment attorneys often handle high profile cases. For some clients, we have to use our skills to keep a matter out of the public eye; for other clients, our experience in obtaining media coverage will greatly enhance their advantage. Contact us at our Milwaukee, Wisconsin office, by calling 414-616-3229.