Thinking About Quitting? Not So Fast.
You dread going to work. You may feel that you just cannot take it anymore. It’s more than a loss of passion for your job. You feel like the company itself has turned against you. You want to quit, but should you?
Don’t act rashly. You never want to quit your job without first talking to an attorney at Cross Law Firm, S.C. With more than 45 years of combined experience, our attorneys can help you decide on the best course of action. If you face discrimination and a hostile work environment, quitting may sound like the best option, but it can actually hurt your case.
Retaliation Takes Many Forms
Retaliation is common in the workplace. It does not take much. For instance, perhaps your boss discriminated against you and you complained to the owner. From then on, your performance reviews suffered, even though you kept working just as hard. When hours got cut, yours went first. It seems passive, but it could be discrimination. And it could be illegal.
Your Boss May Want You To Quit
Every case is different, but there is a chance your boss hopes you will quit. The quiet retaliation may be a tactic to force you out. After all, firing you is a clear retaliation. Your boss may hope to make work horrible enough for you that you walk away on your own.
If you do, you may hurt you case. By walking out:
- You may lose your bargaining position. Negotiations can get you what you want out of the severance. Rather than quitting for nothing, you may fight for benefits and pay in exchange for resigning your position.
- You may lose your access to unemployment benefits.
- You give your boss exactly what he or she wants and hurt your chances of bringing a claim. Talking with a lawyer now, before you leave, can mean a stronger case.
Every situation is unique, but you never want to throw in the towel until you know exactly where you stand and what options you have.
Contact Us Now
With an experienced, professional legal team on your side, you can fight for your best possible future. Contact our offices today to find out more about what we can do for you. For the Milwaukee office, call 414-616-3229, for the Chicago office, dial .