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How social media can affect your wrongful termination suit

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2019 | Employment Law |

Using social media is not only very common, but it might be hard for you to find someone who is not on at least one platform. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter encourage users to post frequently on anything and everything. Your own post history might showcase pictures and comments that you did not think twice about posting. But as you pursue a wrongful termination lawsuit against your former employer, you should probably rethink your posting habits.

Being fired for unjust reasons can be incredibly demoralizing, and you know firsthand just how difficult the emotional and financial fallout can be. In Wisconsin, filing a wrongful death claim against your ex-boss can be an effective way to handle both of those issues. However, you may unknowingly derail your own case by posting updates about it on social media. In fact, talking about it at all on social media is a bad idea.

You’re understandably frustrated and social media might feel like the right place to vent that anger. The things that you write about your former employer can come back to haunt you during the case, especially if the claims are considered unwarranted. It does not matter if you know that your claims reflect what happened, so you should be sure to wait until things are settled in court.

Even if you post what seems like an innocent comment on the matter, it could be misinterpreted — either by accident or purposely — and then held against you during the case. You should also avoid deleting anything from your profile, even if it might not put you in the best light. After all, anything you post on the internet never really dies. Your former employer could discover deleted posts and claim that you are trying to hide things.

So does this mean that you cannot use social media at all when suing an ex-employer for wrongful termination? Not at all, but it is still a good idea to post less than you usually do in order to minimize any attempt at using your own social media accounts against you. If you are worried about how your social media account could affect your suit, you should be sure to visit our website for Wisconsin employment law.
